SDD conference 2022
As a part of my continuous effort to improve myself as a software professional, I have decided to attend the SDD conference in London from 16th-20th May. I have attended the conference a hand full of times before and always enjoy being inspired and enlightened by some of the finest personalities in the business. On top of the quality of speakers, the venue and food are top-notch, which has made the SDD conference my go-to conference, when I'm looking for opportunities to improve my craft.
The conference consists of the main conference running from Tuesday to Thursday. The conference consists of 8 parallel tracks, that all have 4 slots of 90 minutes each. The content of the sessions spans from meta topics about architecture and how to work more efficiently to more hardcore technical topics like machine learning, dependency injection, and parallel programming.
In addition to the main conference, there are two full-day workshops on Monday and Friday respectively. There are six full-day workshops to choose from on both days. Each workshop is a deep dive into a specific subject, which allows the participants to dig a little deeper, than what the 90-minute sessions in the conference have room for.
It is a well-known fact that writing on a specific topic enhances the retention of new knowledge. This is why I will try to make small blog posts with a very short summary of the content of the talks that I attend. Apart from being a tool for me to gain more from the conference, I also hope that some will find the blog posts interesting and maybe even learn a thing a two.