My blog has gotten a much needed revamp. I’ve been using BlogEngine.NET for many, many years on my old blog. It has served me well, but now it was time to move on to something new and fresh. BlogEnginge.NET was orginally made by Mads Kristensen, so when I stumbled upon Miniblog.Core, which is also made by Mads Kristensen, I was naturally intrigued. 

Miniblog.Core is a very, very lightweight blog engine. It does not have all the fancy bells and whistles that some of the other blog engines has, but you know what? That suits me just fine! My requirements for a blog engine are very simple, since I only post once in a while and do not need all sorts of integrations and so on. 

im-impressed.jpgOne of the main focus areas from Mads Kristensen, was that the blog should perform very fast - and boy has he delivered. In my intial tests the blog loads in between 150-200ms (bar the intial warm up, if the application has not been hit in a while) and the total download is a mere 144kb (127kb of which is the rather large backgroud image that I’m using). That is very impressing. Obviously the load time and size will go up as I add more blog posts to the page, but it is a very, very good starting point. 

So this is the first post on the new blog and hopefully more will come in the not so distant future. The current shortlist of subjects that I’m considering writing about looks like this:

  • SOLID principles
  • Continuous deployment on Azure
  • Using Tye to spin up all needed resources locally during development
  • Blazor